Kliendi lood

614 Stories
It’s warm even on cool days and extends the growing season by months

It’s warm even on cool days and extends the growing season by months

Bentley, Alberta
We like to grow Spaghetti squash, butternut squash, acorn squash, zucchini squash, watermelon, beans, tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, strawberry’s, carrots, tomatillos.
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It’s a wonderful place to enjoy tea or wine!

It’s a wonderful place to enjoy tea or wine!

Johns Island, South Carolina
Longer growing season, starting seed 2 months early, year round vegetables! Not to mention less weeding!
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Fresh tomatoes from May through Thanksgiving

Fresh tomatoes from May through Thanksgiving

Park Hills, Missouri
The advantages of the extended growing season is wonderful. We get fresh spinach and lettuce as early as mid-March.
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My husband bought me the greenhouse for a Christmas gift!

My husband bought me the greenhouse for a Christmas gift!

White Lake, Wisconsin

I have only had my greenhouse for 1 year, so I am still learning! I grew both flowers and vegetables inside, including many tomato plants.

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Looks great, works great, makes my life a lot easier

Looks great, works great, makes my life a lot easier

Blind Bay, British Columbia

I am doing annuals and perennials this year and I sure did enjoy having fresh vegetables for most of the year last year.

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We are retired and this has been wonderful to put our time into

We are retired and this has been wonderful to put our time into

Minneapolis, Minnesota

My favorite thing about the greenhouse is that the gardens are protected from the elements and we can control the climate inside.

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