PSF stendur fyrir 'pund á fermetra feta'. Það er mælieiningin sem notuð er til að lýsa hversu mikla þyngd eða þrýsting mannvirki þolir.
Uppbygging Planta gróðurhúsanna þinna er traustur og mjög ónæmur fyrir snjó. Hins vegar gætu erfiðar aðstæður ásamt skorti á viðhaldi aukið hættuna á skemmdum á byggingunni þinni.
Líkurnar á að Planta gróðurhús verði fyrir viðvarandi skemmdum vegna snjóálags eru minni en 0,01%. Þú getur haldið áhættuhlutfallinu lágu með því að fylgja ráðleggingum um umhirðu gróðurhúsalofttegunda hér að neðan.
Choose the bell-shaped Sungrow model if you live in an area with heavy snowfalls.
Ensure that the greenhouse is properly tightened to the greenhouse base.
Position the greenhouse at least 6.5 feet (2 m) away from fences or borders where snow can accumulate. Erecting your greenhouse too close to fences, trees, or buildings may increase the chances of sustained damage.
Check weather conditions to be prepared for heavy snowfall. Keep an eye on local weather reports, and take action to protect your greenhouse when heavy snow is forecasted.
By staying vigilant and taking proactive measures, you can prevent your greenhouse from sustained damage due to heavy snow.
Wet snow can weigh as much as 50 lbs. (22.7 kg) per foot, and icy snow weighs even more. Ice and wet snow buildup usually happen in the early spring and can damage your greenhouse. If ice and snow pile up this time of year, shovel around the greenhouse.
We’ve sold 15,000+ greenhouses since 2019, and only 0.01% collapsed. All collapses happened in the spring.
Fresh fluffy snow weighs about 4 lb. (1.8 kg) per cubic foot.
Regular snow weighs about 12 - 18 lbs. (5.5 – 8.2 kg).
Packed snow weighs about 25 lbs. (11.3 kg) per foot.
Clean the fresh snow around the greenhouse to keep the structure safe and lower stress on the frame. Use a snow rake or a broom to remove the snow from the top gently. Do this as soon as possible after a heavy snowfall, before the weight of the snow becomes too much for the structure to handle.