I can now enjoy the growing process!

What made you get a Planta Greenhouse?
After a careful review of specs, space, heavy-duty frame requirements, and reviews, I chose this one. It was the best small size I could find.

What competitors did you consider before purchasing from Planta Greenhouses?
I considered them all! I didn't want a hobby greenhouse because I wanted stability and durability. I didn't want a huge commercial greenhouse but I did have to grow lots of seedlings. This fits the bill.

Why did you choose to buy from Planta Greenhouses?
I read reviews of this and the competition--this was the best greenhouse for the money. I also liked the fact that everyone said that the Customer Service dept was really helpful. That was important to me.

What do you grow inside your greenhouse?
I have a small, seasonal nursery business so I grow cut flowers, annuals, and perennials. I start seeds but also purchase plugs. I grow about 5000 plants per year.

How did your Planta Greenhouse improve your gardening experience?
I didn't have to worry about cold or light or temp once I got the plants in the greenhouse! or the wind! What a load off me. I can now enjoy the growing process!

What was your experience like buying from Planta Greenhouses?  
Easy as can be. didn't use Customer Service.

What's your favourite thing about the Planta Greenhouse?
It is sturdy, won't crumple to the wind, it allows just enough sun to come in, is tall enough for three levels of shelf space, it is wide enough for me to water and turn around in, it is wide enough for six commercial-size tables plus the walk area...I have lots of favorite things!

What would you say to a person considering purchasing a Planta Greenhouse?
Take the plunge! it is so worth it! I don't have to set up lights (although I have some if I need them), I don't have to worry about temp (although I have a heater if I need it) I don't have to worry about the wind (it is really well made and connected to my foundation well) and it allows me to have all my plants in one place without having to move in and out from inside to outside for sunlight.

Anything else you’d like to add?
I love the look of this greenhouse too! It is pretty, the door is perfect, open or closed, I love the automatic vented windows (don't have to babysit the temp as much)--nothing bad about this greenhouse!

Greenhouse From This Story

Sigma 6
Sigma 6
Size: 8
Regular price €2.243,45 EUR
Regular price €2.438,52 EUR Save €195,07 Sale Sale price €2.243,45 EUR