We can start our plants sooner and keep them protected

What do you grow in your greenhouse?
We are growing leafy greens and herbs but mostly used the greenhouse for starting seeds for our vegetable garden. We also bring in grow bags, flower containers, and hanging baskets inside the greenhouse when there are long periods of extended rain.

What other brands did you consider before deciding to go with a Planta Greenhouse?
We looked at some options at Costco, Home Depot, and Wayfair but were concerned with the quality based on negative reviews.

How was your online shopping experience like buying from Planta Greenhouses?
Quick and easy, received a courtesy call about delivery. No problems with pickup.

How did this greenhouse change your gardening experience?
We had a very cold and wet spring in New Brunswick, but our greenhouse kept all our plants well-protected, and let us wait until the second week of June to plant our vegetable garden. Our garden is now thriving, while we know many people nearby lost quite a few of their small plants in the long period of rain and cold we had at the end of May. In our cold climate and short growing season, it is going to have a huge increase in our harvests this fall because we can start our plants sooner and keep them protected until conditions are just right for planting.

What's your favourite thing about the greenhouse?
The quality for the price was the best we found.

Greenhouse From This Story

Sungrow Urban
Sungrow Urban
Size: 3m × 4m × 2.1m
Prìs cunbhalach €2.194,67 EUR
Prìs cunbhalach €2.389,76 EUR Save €195,09 Reic Prìs reic €2.194,67 EUR