Compact Sungrow
Compact Sungrow
Compact Sungrow
Compact Sungrow
Compact Sungrow
Compact Sungrow
Compact Sungrow
Compact Sungrow
Compact Sungrow
Compact Sungrow
Compact Sungrow
Compact Sungrow
Compact Sungrow
Compact Sungrow
Compact Sungrow

Compact Sungrow

Compact Sungrow

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
29 Reviews

Meud timcheall: 3m × 2m × 2.4m

A Planta greenhouse is so much more than just a place to garden. It's an alternative universe in your backyard where winter and time don't collide. A place where you can harvest sweet carrots and plump eggplants as the first snow begins to fall. A flourishing garden nook where you can cultivate new life unaffected by the weather outside.


One of the strongest greenhouses in the world: heavy-duty materials, more weather-resistant, and with a decade-long warranty. New door window handles and metal trims.

  • Comes with two doors (one at each end).
  • Wind resistant up to 100 km/h for those living in gusty climates.
  • Withstands a snow load (light snow) of up to 183cm (360 kg / m²), and 91cm of packed snow, making it perfect for areas with harsh winters.
  • Made with a heavy-duty galvanized steel frame and 6 mm double-wall polycarbonate panels.
  • Bell-shaped design - the wind, snow, and hail just slide off the sides.
  • Extendable beyond 30 metres - so you can expand your greenhouse when you're ready.
  • Maintenance-free means more time to focus on your garden.
  • 10-year warranty because our greenhouse is undeniably durable.
  • Access to our private Facebook group to connect with and learn from other greenhouse owners.
Prìs cunbhalach €1.650,00 EUR
Prìs cunbhalach €1.750,00 EUR Save €100 Reic Prìs reic €1.650,00 EUR
Tha ceistean agad ? Cuir fòn thugainn 1-877-669-1286
Faic làn fhiosrachadh

About Compact Sungrow

Tha an Compact Planta Sungrow air a dhealbhadh le fòcas air comas-gnìomh agus sùbailteachd. Bidh an taigh-glainne beag-sgèile a’ glacadh teas mar gun dad eile, ga fhàgail na dheagh roghainn airson Gàirnealaireachd 3 no 4 ràithe. A bharrachd air an sin, tha an dealbhadh sònraichte seo gu tur gnàthaichte, leis an roghainn leudachadh a thoirt a-steach gus fad an taigh-glainne agad a mheudachadh mar a bhios an àite agad a’ leudachadh.

Dìreach meud: 300cm x 240cm x 206cm

Tha am frèam stàilinn làidir air a dhealbhadh airson a h-uile gnàth-shìde agus tha e air a thogail gus mairsinn. Tha e meirge-dhìonach agus seasmhach gu leòr a bhith beò as motha droch aimsir, a’ cumail d’ obair chruaidh sàbhailte agus a-mach à dòigh cron.

Tha an taigh-glainne a 'tighinn le:

  • dà dhoras
  • dà uinneag làimhe (aon os cionn gach doras)
  • an roghainn iomadh uinneag a stàladh.

Fuirich fionnar agus comhfhurtail nuair a bhios tu ag obair taobh a-staigh an taigh-glainne. Tha an àirde mullach 2.4-meatair leis an fhionnarachadh deireadh-gu-deireadh dèan cinnteach gum bi na lusan agad a’ soirbheachadh, agus gun còrd an ùine a chuir thu seachad anns an oasis cùil cùil ùr agad.

Luchdaich sneachda suas ri 360 kg / m²
Tha 360 kg / m² co-ionann ri 183cm de chòmhdach sneachda ùr no 91cm de chòmhdach sneachda làn agus tha e saor bho chumail suas sa gheamhradh Tuilleadh mu PSF
Frith-gaoithe suas ri 100 km/h
Togail taigh-glainne làidir a sheasas ri gaothan suas ri 100 km / h
Leudaichte & Customizable
Faodar an taigh-glainne seo a leudachadh le innealan leudachaidh a bharrachd
A bheil ceistean agad mun toradh seo ?
Faighnich Ceist


Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
Based on 29 reviews
Total 5 star reviews: 26 Total 4 star reviews: 3 Total 3 star reviews: 0 Total 2 star reviews: 0 Total 1 star reviews: 0
100%would recommend these products
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29 reviews
  • FF
    Fern F.
    Verified Buyer
    Sungrow Compact
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    8 months ago
    Sturdy and amazing quality

    These are the greenhouses we need in colder Canadian climates. I am in zone 4 and have my Sungrow Compact set up for growing all year long! Had electrical trenched to mine and will have the Phoenix greenhouse heater ready to go for winter. I hired my friend’s son to put the greenhouse together for me- I do think you need to be good at building things to put this together. He put down a concrete foundation and then attached the greenhouse to a pressure treated wood frame. I also had him install one of the automatic roof vents which works amazingly well. Loving it so far.

    PG Profile picture for Planta Greenhouses EU
    Planta Greenhouses EU
    8 months ago

    Hi Fern, thank you for taking the time to write a review.

    We're glad you're loving it so far. The photos you attached look fantastic! 📸🌟

  • BB
    Brian B.
    Verified Buyer
    Sungrow Compact
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago
    Impressed by the quality!

    We just finished assembling the Sungrow Compact yesterday. We're really impressed by the quality of all the components. The online videos were super helpful in the process. It took two of us about 10 hours.

    PG Profile picture for Planta Greenhouses EU
    Planta Greenhouses EU
    9 months ago

    Hi Brian! Thank you for your review. Great job on assembling it!

  • DR
    Dave R.
    Verified Reviewer
    Sungrow Compact
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    10 months ago
    Thanks Gerry

    Looking forward to years of use.

    PG Profile picture for Planta Greenhouses EU
    Planta Greenhouses EU
    10 months ago

    Happy planting!

  • EG
    Elizabeth G.
    Verified Buyer
    Sungrow Compact
    I recommend this product
    Location Alaska
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    Lots to like

    We’re retired, we live in Southcentral AK, and the Sungrow Compact was a great choice for us. We drove to Anchorage in a standard pickup to pick it up, and transportation to Homer was relatively easy. The only reason for four stars rather than five is that assembly for us was more time consuming and tedious than we expected, even with all the helpful videos, and there were more than a few undo’s and start overs. That said, now that it’s done, kinks and all, I really do love it.

    PG Profile picture for Planta Greenhouses EU
    Planta Greenhouses EU
    1 year ago

    Thanks for sharing your experience and feedback!

    We understand that assembly can sometimes be a bit challenging, and we're continuously working to improve our instructions. We're glad you are enjoying your Sungrow Compact, Happy gardening :)

  • MN
    michele n.
    Verified Buyer
    Sungrow Compact
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    love my greenhouse

    Took a while to get it together. Had help with the base. The videos are awesome.

    My husband and I were able to put it together and we are not 'handy' people.

    Took our time. Made sure we put it where we wanted it.

    PG Profile picture for Planta Greenhouses EU
    Planta Greenhouses EU
    1 year ago

    We're thrilled you love your greenhouse! We wish you successful growing seasons ahead.

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Tha taighean-glainne nan toraidhean iongantach,  agus feumaidh iad luingearachd agus làimhseachadh sònraichte. Is e sin an adhbhar, tha sinn air a bhith ag obair gu dìcheallach thar na bliadhna a dh’ fhalbh gus ìrean luingeis fàbharach fhaighinn don luchd-ceannach againn. Thèid prìsean luingeis a shealltainn air an duilleag pàighidh stèidhichte air do sheòladh.

  • Cuiridh sinn fios thugad gus prìs luingeis a dhearbhadh, stèidhichte air d’ àite agus meud an òrduigh.
  • Tha luingearachd air a’ mhòr-chuid de òrdughan taigh-glainne còmhnaidh eadar $ 250 agus $ 450, is dòcha gum feum luchd-ceannach ann an sgìrean iomallach pàigheadh ​​​​a bharrachd.
  • Nuair a chuireas tu d’ òrdugh, feuch an cuir thu a-steach am fear ceart  Fòn agus seòladh aig àite-pàighidh. Thèid fios a chur thugad le  fòn mus tèid an rud a chuir air falbh. Chan urrainn dhuinn a bhith cunntachail airson lìbhrigeadh gu seòlaidhean ceàrr.
  • Mar phàirt den phròiseas lìbhrigidh, feumaidh sinn àireamh fòn fiosrachail (airson a’ chompanaidh teachdaire fios a chuir thugad) ron àm  nì air a chuir air falbh.
  • Cha bhith sinn a’ dol gu PO Boxes, oir sa mhòr-chuid de chùisean feumaidh tu soidhnigeadh airson an rud agad.
  • Cha tòisich òrdughan a thèid a chuir air deireadh-sheachdainean no saor-làithean poblach a’ giullachd chun ath latha gnìomhachais.


Taigh-glainne Còmhnaidh

uinneag fionnarachaidh Ceistean Cumanta Sungrow

Fiosrachadh fionnarachaidh fèin-ghluasadach FAQs Sungrow

Taigh-glainne Sungrow


A bheil taic ann às dèidh ceannach?

Absolutely! Our after-sales customer service team is available to answer any and every question. You can fill out our contact form or give us a call at +44 (800) 208-8945.

Dè na goireasan a tha rim faotainn gus cuideachadh le stàladh taigh-glainne ?

We offer several resources to help you with the installation process:

  1. Bilt App: Downloadable on the Apple Store and Google Play, it provides digitized step-by-step instructions.
  2. YouTube videos: A series of detailed video tutorials to guide you through the installation process.
  3. Printed Manual: Comes included with your greenhouse.
  4. Blog: Explore our blog for valuable insights such as "Expert Advice: 9 Tips For Installing Sungrow Greenhouses With Ease!"
  5. Customer-Only Facebook Group: Connect with other customers for valuable installation tips.

If you still need assistance, our customer service is ready to help via phone or email.

Dè an seòrsa bunait/bunait as fheàrr dhòmhsa ?

This can vary depending on your location, gardening plans, and desired aesthetic. To better understand the different options available, you can find several different types of greenhouse bases, information, and pictures posted by Planta Greenhouse owners on our Customer Stories page and our Planta Facebook page. Additionally, you can learn more about it on our Greenhouse Bases blog.

Roghainnean Gnàthachaidh