Terra 15
Terra 15
Terra 15
Terra 15

Terra 15

Terra 15

Meud timcheall: 5m × 15m × 3.6m

Unlock the potential of the Planta "Terra" 15 Greenhouse, designed for professional growers in smaller spaces. Quick to set up and adaptable for various crops, it promotes efficient, year-round farming even in compact areas. Experience flourishing crops every season, turning any space into a lush, productive haven.


Designed for efficient, compact cultivation, offering robust construction, weather resistance, and a 10-year warranty.

  • Made with a heavy-duty galvanized steel frame and 10 mm double-wall polycarbonate panels.
  • Comes with 2 doors (one at each end) for convenient access.
  • Bell-shaped design - the wind, snow, and hail slide off.
  • Supports a snow load of 160 kg/m², making it ideal for areas with moderate snowfall.
  • Wind resistant up to 24m/s, ensuring structural stability.
  • Expandable design for growing agricultural needs.
  • Maintenance-free means more time to focus on your crops.
  • 10-year warranty for lasting reliability and peace of mind.
  • Access to our private Facebook group to connect with and learn from other greenhouse owners.
Prìs cunbhalach €13.050,00 EUR
Prìs cunbhalach €14.500,00 EUR Save €1.450 Reic Prìs reic €13.050,00 EUR
Tha ceistean agad ? Cuir fòn thugainn 1-877-669-1286
Faic làn fhiosrachadh

About Terra 15

Faigh a-mach an Taigh-glainne plannta "Terra" 15, roghainn snasail dha luchd-fàs malairteach a tha ag iarraidh èifeachdas àite a mheudachadh

Tha an taigh-glainne seasmhach seo air a thogail le frèam iarainn ghalbhanaichte 1mm de thighead a tha a’ toirt a-steach taic ann an cumadh bogha ceangailte le purlins agus air a dhaingneachadh le structaran deiridh cruaidh. Tha e 5 meatairean de leud, 15 meatairean a dh'fhaid, agus 3.6 meatairean a dh'àirde, a’ tabhann àite farsaing airson measgachadh de bhàrr.

Meud ceart: 5m × 14.744m × 3.6m

An Terra 15 air a dhealbhadh airson co-chruinneachadh furasta. Faodar a stèidheachadh air bunait traidiseanta le bhith a 'cleachdadh ceàrnan nas soilleire no gu dìreach san talamh le bhith a' cladhach ann an crìochan frèam sònraichte. Tha doras aig gach ceann a chuireas ri ruigsinneachd agus fionnarachadh, a’ brosnachadh àrainneachd fàs as fheàrr.

Meudaich do Terra 15 le feartan a bharrachd roghainneil:

  • Leudaich an fhaid le 2.1 meatairean le innealan leudachaidh modular.
  • Leasaich cuairteachadh adhair le làimhe no uinneagan vent fèin-ghluasadach.

Aig Planta, tha sinn air bhioran a bhith mar phàirt den turas àiteachais agad. An Terra 15, teann ach làidir, a’ tabhann bunait earbsach airson na feumalachdan fàs agad, dèanamh cinnteach à cinneasachd tro na ràithean.

Luchdaich sneachda suas ri 160 kg/m²
Tha 160 kg / m² co-ionann ri 80 cm de chòmhdach sneachda ùr no còmhdach sneachda làn 40 cm agus tha e saor bho chumail suas sa gheamhradh Tuilleadh mu PSF
Frith-gaoithe suas gu 24m/s
Togail taigh-glainne làidir a sheasas ri gaothan suas gu 24m/s
Leudaichte & Customizable
Faodar an taigh-glainne seo a leudachadh le innealan leudachaidh a bharrachd.
A bheil ceistean agad mun toradh seo ?
Faighnich Ceist



Feumaidh taighean-glainne malairteach Planta sònraichte luingearachd agus lìbhrigeadh. Feuch an leugh thu gus ionnsachadh mar a tha e ag obair:

  • Cuiridh sinn fios thugad gus prìs luingeis a dhearbhadh, stèidhichte air d’ àite agus meud an òrduigh.
  • Tha a’ chìs luingeis cuibheasach airson taighean-glainne malairteach eadar $1000 agus $2000. Is dòcha gum bi raointean iomallach nas motha.
  • Feumaidh forklift iomchaidh a bhith aig an neach-gabhail (le leudachadh mas fheàrr) gus an luchd a luchdachadh. Tha an t-sleamhnag as motha 10' le 8'.
  • Tha roghainnean lìbhrigidh eile rim faighinn ma thèid an iarraidh.
  • Nuair a chuireas tu d’ òrdugh, feuch an cuir thu a-steach am fear ceart  Fòn agus seòladh aig àite-pàighidh. Thèid fios a chur thugad le  fòn mus tèid an rud a chuir air falbh. Chan urrainn dhuinn a bhith cunntachail airson lìbhrigeadh gu seòlaidhean ceàrr.
  • Mar phàirt den phròiseas lìbhrigidh, feumaidh sinn àireamh fòn a ghabhas conaltradh (airson an  lìbhrigeadh  companaidh fios a chur thugad) ron  nì air a chuir air falbh.
  • Cha bhith sinn a’ dol gu PO Boxes, oir feumaidh tu soidhnigeadh airson an rud agad.
  • Òrdughan air an cur air deireadh-sheachdainean  agus  thèid saor-làithean poblach a phròiseasadh an ath latha gnìomhachais.


Terra Greenhouse

Are there doors on both ends of the greenhouse?

Yes, the Terra greenhouse is equipped with a door at each end for easy access and ventilation.

How is the Terra greenhouse anchored to the ground?

The Terra greenhouse can be anchored without a foundation by digging in special frame endings or on a foundation using cleater angles.

What is the frame made of?

The greenhouse frame is made of 1 mm thick galvanized iron, ensuring durability and rust resistance.

What is the snow load on the Terra greenhouse models?

The Terra models are designed to support a snow load of up to 160 kg/m².

What is the wind resistance on the Terra greenhouse models?

They are wind-resistant up to 24m/s, offering high stability against strong winds.

What polycarbonate panels are used for the Terra greenhouse models?

The Terra greenhouse uses 10 mm double-walled polycarbonate panels for optimal insulation and durability.

Side Ventilation Windows

Can I add windows for my greenhouse later?

Roof ventilation windows work as an add-on and can be installed only once the greenhouse installation is complete. Windows can be added later as well.

How do the automatic side ventilation windows work?

Our Automatic Side Ventilation Windows do not require batteries or electricity. A heat-activated mechanism opens and closes the window once a certain temperature is reached.

How many side ventilation windows are recommended for the greenhouse?

It is strongly recommended to go with an even amount of roof ventilation windows. This is so you can place at least one on either side of the greenhouse. The amount of windows required depends on the greenhouse size, the climate you are in, and the types of crops that will be grown inside the greenhouse.

What are the opening and maximum opening temperatures for the Automatic Side Vents?

The opening temperature is between 17 °C and 25°C, while the maximum opening is at 30 °C.

Stàladh Taighean-glainne Malairteach