Alpafjöll 15
Alpafjöll 15
Alpafjöll 15
Alpafjöll 15
Alpafjöll 15
Alpafjöll 15
Alpafjöll 15
Alpafjöll 15
Alpafjöll 15
Alpafjöll 15
Alpafjöll 15

Alpafjöll 15

Alpafjöll 15

Approx Size: 7.6m × 15m × 3.8m

Discover year-round cultivation with the Planta "Alpine" 15 greenhouse, blending durability with a sleek design. Ideal for dedicated farmers, it nurtures and protects crops, paving the way for success in commercial farming.


Built for durability and adaptability, featuring a sturdy frame, weather resistance, and a 10-year warranty.

  • Made with a heavy-duty galvanized steel frame and 10 mm double-wall polycarbonate panels.
  • Equipped with 2 doors for convenient access at both ends.
  • Arched design – the wind, snow, and hail easily slide off.
  • Withstands a snow load of 240 kg/m², ideal for areas with moderate snowfall.
  • Wind resistant up to 24m/s, providing stability in gusty conditions.
  • Expandable design to support growing agricultural needs.
  • Maintenance-free means more time to focus on your crops.
  • 10-year warranty for lasting reliability and peace of mind.
  • Access to our closed Facebook group to connect with and learn from other greenhouse owners.
Regular price €19.020,50 EUR
Regular price €19.020,50 EUR Save €0 Sale Sale price €19.020,50 EUR
Have questions? Call us 1-877-669-1286
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About Alpafjöll 15

Planta Alpine 15 gróðurhús er vitnisburður um nýsköpun í landbúnaði, hannað fyrir þörf nútímabónda fyrir endingu og fjölhæfni.

Hann er með sterka galvaniseruðu stálgrind með bogadregnum bjöllum sem tengdir eru með stöngum og endabyggingum til að auka stöðugleika. 7,6m sinnum 15m og er 3,8m hár, sem gefur nóg pláss fyrir ýmsa ræktun.

Nákvæm stærð: 7492mm x 14828mm x 3800mm

Hannað fyrir aðlögunarhæfni, það er hægt að festa á grunni eða beint í jarðveginn með því að nota grunnsúlur. Tvær beitt settar hurðir tryggja greiðan aðgang og bestu loftræstingu, sem skapar kjörið vaxtarumhverfi.

Bættu Alpine 15 þinn með valfrjálsum uppfærslum, fullkomið til að sérsníða gróðurhúsið þitt að búskaparstillingum þínum.

  • Tambour fyrir bætta hita varðveislu.
  • Handvirkar eða sjálfvirkar hliðaropur fyrir bestu loftflæðisstýringu.

Planta er tileinkað því að auka framleiðni í landbúnaði með Alpine 15, gróðurhúsi sem er byggt til að þola og aðlagast, tryggja að sérhver uppskera sé frjósamari en sú síðasta.

Snow Load Up To 240 kg/m²
240 kg / m² is equal to 122cm of fresh snow layer or 60cm packed snow layer and is maintenance-free in the winter More About PSF
Extendable & Customizable
This greenhouse can be extended with additional expansion kits
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Auglýsing gróðurhús Planta krefjast sérstakrar sendingu og afhendingu. Vinsamlegast lestu til að læra hvernig það virkar:

  • Við munum hafa samband við þig til að staðfesta sendingarverð, byggt á staðsetningu þinni og pöntunarstærð.
  • Meðalflutningsgjald fyrir gróðurhús í atvinnuskyni er á bilinu $1000 til $2000. Fjarlæg svæði gætu verið fleiri.
  • Viðtakandinn verður að hafa viðeigandi lyftara (helst með framlengingum) til að losa sendinguna. Stærsta skriðan er 10' x 8'.
  • Aðrir afhendingarmöguleikar eru í boði sé þess óskað.
  • Þegar þú pantar, vinsamlegast vertu viss um að slá inn rétt  Sími og heimilisfang við kassa. Haft verður samband við þig af  síma áður en varan er send. Við getum ekki borið ábyrgð á afhendingu á röng heimilisföng.
  • Sem hluti af afhendingarferlinu þurfum við að hafa samband við símanúmer (fyrir  afhendingu  fyrirtæki til að hafa samband við þig) fyrir  varan er send.
  • Við sendum ekki í pósthólf þar sem þú þarft að skrifa undir vöruna þína.
  • Pantanir gerðar um helgar  og  frídagar verða afgreiddir næsta virka dag.


Alpine Greenhouse

Are there doors on both ends of the greenhouse?

Yes, the Alpine greenhouse models have two doors at each end for easy access and ventilation.

How is the Alpine greenhouse anchored to the ground?

The Alpine greenhouse can be anchored either on a foundation or directly on the ground by digging the foundation pillars in.

What is the frame made of?

The Alpine greenhouse frame is constructed from rust-resistant galvanized steel, offering longevity and durability.

What is the snow load on the Alpine models?

The Alpine models are engineered to support a snow load of 240 kg/m².

What is the width of the door opening?

Our Alpine greenhouse models' door opening width is 1050mm.

What is the wind resistance on the Alpine models?

They are wind-resistant up to 24m/s, ensuring stability in high wind conditions.

What polycarbonate panels are used for the Farmer Alpine greenhouse models?

The Alpine greenhouse uses 10 mm double-walled polycarbonate panels for optimal insulation and durability.

Side Ventilation Windows

Can I add windows for my greenhouse later?

Roof ventilation windows work as an add-on and can be installed only once the greenhouse installation is complete. Windows can be added later as well.

How do the automatic side ventilation windows work?

Our Automatic Side Ventilation Windows do not require batteries or electricity. A heat-activated mechanism opens and closes the window once a certain temperature is reached.

How many side ventilation windows are recommended for the greenhouse?

It is strongly recommended to go with an even amount of roof ventilation windows. This is so you can place at least one on either side of the greenhouse. The amount of windows required depends on the greenhouse size, the climate you are in, and the types of crops that will be grown inside the greenhouse.

What are the opening and maximum opening temperatures for the Automatic Side Vents?

The opening temperature is between 17 °C and 25°C, while the maximum opening is at 30 °C.

Installation Commercial Greenhouses

Is there support after purchase?

Absolutely! Our after-sales customer service team is available to answer any questions and support you on your greenhouse journey. You can fill out our contact form or give us a call at 1 (877) 669-1286.

What resources are available to assist with greenhouse installation?

We offer a few resources to help you with the commercial greenhouse installation process:

  1. Printed Manual: Comes included with your greenhouse.
  2. Customer-Only Facebook Group: Connect with other customers for valuable installation tips.
  3. Customer Support: If you still need assistance, our customer service is ready to help via phone or email.
What type of base/foundation is right for me?

This can vary depending on your location, farming plans, and desired aesthetic. To better understand the different options available, you can find several different types of greenhouse bases, information, and pictures posted by Planta Greenhouse owners on our Customer Stories page and our Planta Facebook page. Additionally, you can learn more about it on our Greenhouse Bases blog.